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Wish you could enjoy your car and drive more at night???Zeiss DriveSafe Lenses Are Designed to Make Driving More Comfortable and Less Scary in Low Light

31 May

Would you be interested in a #solution that helps you work longer with digital gadgets and experience less strain of the eyes?

12 May

We are doing a survey on awareness of digital eye strain amidst the it industry.
The survey identifies those who have a problem pertaining to the use of digital gadgets
for whom we have solutions that may enable them  to work  longer on systems with less strain.

We would be obliged if you could help us conduct this survey in your organization by forwarding
this survey link to all staff in your team who spend many hours in front of the system.

The survey link is: or they can access the survey


From our facebook page:

Crizal Eye Zen is one such solution..check out

#EyeStrain #DigitalGadgets #ComputerVisionSyndrome #Techsci #software #crizal #Prevencia #BlueLightHazardID-100264001
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles. at